Steve Britton, Terminal Project Manager Testimonial

Client Testimonial - Foss Maritime Steve Britton, Terminal Project Manager,

The entire service group at Bowman Refrigeration has been a great to work with over the recent years.  Issues ranging from major replacements to emergency repairs to routine maintenance to odd-ball troubleshooting are all met the same way.  With professionalism, working together to fix the problem at hand, as well as working within tight completion time frames so common to the marine industry these days.  Bowman can be relied upon to help with any job.

Have a chronic problem no one has been able to solve? Call us. It's what we do.

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"They have been a huge factor in the success of our maintenance program as well as the design of our Refrigeration Plan. We plan on doing business with Bowman for many more years to come." READ MORE +

Tim Stordahl, Chief Engineer
-Arctic Fjord
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